Your fragmented mind (that hurts)
The fragmented mind.
What I love about our brains is the ability they have to divide and subdivide….like an insane internal “divide and conquer”.
When there’s a task…the brain sections off a portion of its valuable self/ability to dedicate it’s focus on that task and solve any problems associated with it.
It fragments.
Then after… it joins back together again.
Its a fantastic system.
And the more important that task is…. the more computing power our brains/minds apportion to that task.
Where it goes wonky is when Trauma occurs.
Cause Trauma becomes a freakin important task for your mind.
Our brains see this particular task as so important that it sucks a huge amount of our time, energy, and thought into it.
For the short term this works out fine (though it is a big energy suck).
Because, hey, Trauma of any intensity deserves our attention.
The issue comes when it lasts for too freakin long.
When it just runs and runs and runs…. without end.
And to make it worse… its not solving anything at that point.
Its just running, thinking, and wasting our inner power.
This is the feeling of “stuckness” that we get ourselves into.
An endless fragmentation that lasts and lasts seemingly forever…..
And the more Traumas that have happened to us… the more fragments we accrue.
This is the beginning of understanding the Wholeness journey.
Feel that in your body…
#Personal Acceleration