Why you need to focus on the power of your feet (hint: your health is at stake)
Our feet are amazing engineering devices.
I know you don’t give them any mind. They are just these things that you stick in your shoes.
They disappear there for the day.
The come out at night and then get shoved under the covers.
So you really don’t interact with them.
You probably wonder why you even have them any more.
Hooves would probably suit us better at this point.
But we do have them… and they can both be a source of direct pain and indirect pain for our bodies.
Our feet carry us daily.
Its through them that we align the bodies we are in that use them to stand on.
If there is a pain or discomfort in a part of one or both of our feet…. we will shy away from putting pressure on that part.
That makes sense.
If pressure hurts… try to ameliorate it by not standing on it as much as possible.
But what happens when you do?
Every time you stand “oddly” in your feet it sends a ripple up the rest of your body. It contorts your body into some sort of configuration that looks to avoid creating more pain in that foot/feet.
You look to keep walking forward or standing…. with as little discomfort as possible…. which is VERY DIFFICULT to pull off.
So you contort.
And that contortion stays with you.
Can you imagine what that means?
It means you’ve tightened muscles in your body, usually chronically (meaning consistently over time), and that tightness (or tension) evenetually shows up as pain throughout your body.
Does this make sense?
Subtly change some minutia in the way we either stand in a foot or walk in a foot…. and the rest of our body tightens in a subtle twist going up the body and suffers.
So foot health… is HUGELY important.
Hugely important to our bodies.
Well what can you do?
First… diagnosis is key.
We often dont even know that we have a pain in a foot… because we’ve been avoiding putting pressure on it.
So… try putting pressure on all parts of your feet.
See what’s uncomfortable.
See what pain you might be avoiding
Then it will be time to look to see what you have changed in your body to avoid this.
See where the ripple effect of tension up the body has happened. Make sure you look for this while you remain standing in the discomfort.
If it is too uncomfortable… well, you will need to get this fixed.
There is no avoiding that.
Get it fixed asap so that it doesnt keep affecting and hurting the rest of you.
And if you are able to “stand” it…. mark down in your head or in writing where you notice the tensions.
This is the beginning of unmaking them.
Spiral Kinetics® foot movements can help. These are 3 dimensional movements that I have developed to retrain your foot for freedom.
Once we have that freedom… the rest of our bodies can relax.
Hit me up here to learn what Spiral Kinetics® can possibly do for you.