The Eyes are your way to heal your insides
Its time to talk about eyes.
Because… the eyes are an important way in to access your neurological system. The system that drives you to do the things you want… and drives you to do the the things you don’t.
Eyes are one of the major ways we process information.
We live through the eyes….absorbing and judging our reality.
They are arguably the number one way we judge our reality (above and beyond “hearing” and “feeling”).
And yet…. there are limitations.
When we experience a trauma or discomfort… we can often stop ourselves from “looking there”.
From looking in a spot where our discomfort/trauma lives.
Our consciousness often associates emotional concepts with physiological ones.
And this is a version of that.
Think of it this way:
Imagine a white circle. This is the field of vision of one of your eyes.
This eye can look anywhere in its field of vision… except one spot.
Because that is an area associated with a discomfort or pain.
When you look around… your eye will avoid looking in that area. It will go around it or you will adjust your head to avoid looking right into and through that spot. Because most often…you don’t even know this spot is there.
It is unconscious to you.
But it is affecting you and your ability to “let go” of its associated discomfort/pain in life.
Without detailed work… this will be difficult to unmake.
BUT… I’ve got a system for you….
Here we go.
First… stare straight ahead. Pick a point far out in front of you… and focus in on that tiny little point.
This will be your center.
Then…. while holding this center…. expand your visual field in an every widening circle until you are at the entire edge of your field of vision. You can then see the entire periphery …all the way to the left and the right. All the way above and below. But in little detail.
Your pupil is still centered… but your have opened it up to encompass all that you see.
Now… if you attempt to focus on any one particular area (and all you have to do it “think” it) then this all falls apart. You change where your center is and you then focus on that area…which is not our goal here.
The goal is to “absorb” your entire field of vision. To see it from edge to edge….
So, work on focusing on the point in the middle… and then expanding out to feel/absorb the periphery. Then down into the middle again. Again and again…. until you are comfortable doing this.
This will eventually “wash out” any spots you may have.
And give you some greater ability with your eyes in general.
Take this to heart.
Feel this in your body…