If you truly want to heal your being… you MUST get in touch with your body. (there is no way around this)
You’ve done a ton of work on yourself. I know.
I love it.
Youve gone to workshops, read books, watched youtube videos, and may have even taken a course to become a life coach.
And that is awesome.
But there is still something missing.
Sure… you’ve played around a bit with somatics and now understand that emotions and trauma “hide” in the body… and that getting in touch with that is important for healing.
But this is not the end of things.
This … is only the beginning.
In order to do the true work you need to understand all of the body. All of the ways it functions.
You need to MAXIMIZE the body. Both its stillness and its movement.
Even though you understand that the body harbors its traumas (big and small)… that does not stop it from continually doing it.
The system remains intact.
Well..what if you could “let that all go”?
What if you could change the system?
That is the goal.
You need to set yourself up for success.
For evolution.
And this is one of the major ways.
So lets figure out what this means…..
In order to understand your body you must understand the feelings within it and the patterns they take.
You body experiences itself with a feedback loop of feeling.
And if you want to maximize it… you have to get in touch with that feeling.
Now…. you can feel an individual area. And that is great.
But we want to open it up.
I want you to feel your WHOLE body at one time.
I want you to feel what it is like to be you.
You as a whole.
This is the beginning of changing all the physical systems.
The next step is to put a “command” into that body.
Put a concept into it. Try to put “clean” into it.
Say to yourself you want to be clean.
“Clean”… as a wholistic concept that you feel in your body.
One that radiates through you.
Next…. you will want to learn how to move.
Each muscle is built to move your body in an very exact way.
If you dont use it that way…. your neurological system does not fire correctly, comfortably, or powerfully.
And that is another way you stay in old habits and ideas.
So ….learn how to move with precision. Exciting and actualizing each muscle.
Spiral Kinetic® Fitness (my system) is one system that teaches exactly this.
Yoga does too.. to an extent.
And there are martial arts that will do some strongly similar things as well.
These systems teach you to MOVE your body in ways that let go of tensions and stuckness.
Cause if you dont…. a lot of your work becomes much harder.
A lot of your healing is taking the long way around….
So take the shortcut… and get in MOTION.
Feel this in your body…