Listen…. If you are not maximizing your sleep you are not optimized in general as a Kinesthete (as an evolved Human Being). Its that simple. Sleep is a full one third of your entire life. If you are not good …
You’ve done a ton of work on yourself. I know. I love it. Youve gone to workshops, read books, watched youtube videos, and may have even taken a course to become a life coach. And that is awesome. But there …
Listen…. Its time to talk about eyes. Because… the eyes are an important way in to access your neurological system. The system that drives you to do the things you want… and drives you to do the the things you …
Our feet are amazing engineering devices.I know you don’t give them any mind. They are just these things that you stick in your shoes.They disappear there for the day.The come out at night and then get shoved under the covers.So …