Listen…. If you are not maximizing your sleep you are not optimized in general as a Kinesthete (as an evolved Human Being). Its that simple. Sleep is a full one third of your entire life. If you are not good …
Listen…. Its time to talk about eyes. Because… the eyes are an important way in to access your neurological system. The system that drives you to do the things you want… and drives you to do the the things you …
Listen….. Getting our minds to de-fragment is a huge step in self actualization and mastery. Methodologies on how to do this may vary. But here’s mine: First….please…. Always identify the MOST SANE voice you have. Take inventory of any and …
The fragmented mind. Listen…. What I love about our brains is the ability they have to divide and subdivide….like an insane internal “divide and conquer”. When there’s a task…the brain sections off a portion of its valuable self/ability to dedicate …