If you are not maximizing your sleep you are not optimized in general as a Kinesthete (as an evolved Human Being).
Its that simple.
Sleep is a full one third of your entire life.
If you are not good at it… you are hurting yourself.
So what does it take to become a great, olympic sleeper?
First…. focusing on the problem. As with any problem.
And this issue takes place in two phases:
1. Being able to pass out/fall asleep
2. Being able to stay asleep, if woken.. to return to sleep, and when in sleep… to feel so deep in sleep that when you fully awaken for your day the next morning…. you are refreshed.
Both of these are necessary for a good nights sleep.
The ability to achieve “emptiness”… is vital for both.
Second…. in a slightly contrary way….you can’t focus on a better night’s sleep too intensely.
You are likely already suffering from a over-active mind…. especially during sleep.
So if you add more to your mind’s agenda… it will only get worse.
You need to take this project on LIGHTLY. Just make it something you do.
Once you have that… then you’ll need to get out of your mind.
Now, there are many meditations that can do this.
But what you want is one that exercises all your demons.
One system of emptiness to rule them all.
One that gets you into a state where you can always pass out.
So set yourself for success.
Set up your sleep area so that it has no distractions. Nothing to pull your attention
(and yes… no phones or TV. Those teach your mind to be active at night…. not passive/empty. Remember.. satisfying addictions feels good in the moment they are being satisfied… but come back to haunt you in big ways later on)
There is only one thought that is helpful here…. focusing on your heart and body.
And that is your key.
Focusing on this area keeps the blood in your body …. and away from your head.
That is THE BEST PLACE for you to be to get a good night’s sleep.
And focusing on your heart…. has you focus on your breath as well.
Unless you are an expert Kinesthete… it is impossible to separate the the two.
Make your breath slow and slightly shallow…. and get comfortable with it.
Because it will guide you into the abyss…..
Which brings us to…. The ABYSS.
In order to fully immerse yourself in sleep you’ll need to think of it as an abyss.
A place where you are at your deepest. One that encompasses you so much that you don’t even know reality anymore.
Where all sight and vision is gone, sound and hearing have disappeared, and physical sensations have trickled off into nothingness….
Where you, for this one brief moment in time… have accepted that you are gone from the planet. Yo are holding onto nothing.
You are… for all intents and purposes…. dead.
Dead…even to yourself.
Which of course means… that your entire agenda for you day and your life is no longer important.
Sleep is the little death. The true emptiness.
And the true emptiness meditation… allows you to die each night. (Only to be reborn each morning)
Fear of this… will stop you from doing the disappearing act each night that you crave.
And if any part of you does hold on…. Any part of you clings to that life and agenda while attempting to sleep….your sleep will suffer.
Let it all go.
Dont worry…. you’ll be back for more life and consciousness in the unfolding universe in the morning.
Feel this in your body…