The fragmented mind pt 2 (getting out of your own way)
Getting our minds to de-fragment is a huge step in self actualization and mastery.
Methodologies on how to do this may vary.
But here’s mine:
Always identify the MOST SANE voice you have.
Take inventory of any and all voices inside your head (and body if you have advanced abilities here and access to them). Include your main inner vocalization (your “ego”)..
Identify which are the crazier voices and which are the most sane (and when that sanity occurs)… so you know what your best version of sanity, the most solid you, sounds like.
Lock that particular voice into your mind/being. So that you know it and can use it.
This will become your centerpiece/central voice.
Now…go back to any and all the other voices….
And look for what their “positive intention” is.
Every negative thing in your inner world has a positive intention.
It exists inside you because at some point it had a valid reason for being in you.
A valid, positive, supporting reason in your life.
Its just that…after many years… its no longer relevant.
And when we have a voice that is functioning under concepts that are no longer relevant in a worl… well that is just craziness.
So.. what are you voices positive intentions?
You are going to need them in your back pocket.
Because when you integrate that voice (and it disappears) and you become whole… that positive intention is coming home to you too.
One of my inner voices…. likes to play tapes of music.
So I hear songs in my head.
This is a distraction.
The positive intention behind this is to keep me entertained through my day.
Because part of me is bored.
So… what I want to do is remove the music…. but hold on to the need to be entertained.
And this means that my need to be entertained must be satisfied by everything that I do. A feeling of entertained enjoyment of my daily life… without the need for an internal jukebox to do it for me.
So….I add that need back into my main voice… so my existence is not “split” .. but instead “complete”.
Now emotional Traumas are again a running of separate voices inside us. In this case it is a voice that is dedicated to that trauma.
Finding its positive intention inside you is key here.
Once you’ve done that…. you can add that positive intention to your main (sanest) voice and begin to slough off the rest of the other characteristics of the trauma voice, incorporating the true core essence of it inside you. Its positive intention for you.
Allowing it to give you its gift… and evolve you, without there being any more cost to you.
The cost of your peace, your sanity… showing up as discomfort, aggression, depression, and more.
Feel this in your body…